Knowledge Building Singapore is a community of practitioners who seek to mature in their understanding of Knowledge Building Practice as teachers and also as a community. This website is a little corner of the internet that's home to our community. We invite you to take the time to browse through the sections; to learn more about Knowledge Building, its principles, tools and the stories.
Most importantly, do join us on a knowledge building journey alongside our KB communities, Design Studios, and also experience the KB practices and thoughts shared through our teachers and students’ reflections. We hope you enjoy your stay on this resource-rich site.
Past Events
Knowledge Building
What does it mean to learn as a community? In essence, Knowledge Building (KB) recognizes that knowledge is socially constructed and describes how a community of learners might develop. Hence, the KB Classroom is a community where every individual is a contributor, a co-creator of knowledge. Students own the learning, its outcomes and processes. Teachers design and facilitate learning that is guided by KB principles.
KB Stories
KB stories are true stories of how inquiry takes place in a KB classroom. Each story outlines the five stages in which inquiry occurs. It also contains trigger activities, the key inquiry question and how students' ideas about the key question evolve. These stories help KB teachers plan, direct, help and assess learning in a KB classroom.
KB Highlights
Keeping a journal benefits learning. Blogs written by knowledge builders are highlighted as part of a journal for our community; A place to record our thoughts, experiences and insights. Eventually, it becomes an artefact of our collective wisdom and knowledge - a precious heirloom. We hope to see your story here.