The journey of a thousand li begins with a single step. Our aim is to chronicle every step we take as our community matures in honesty, humility and truth.
A lofty goal perhaps, and one we'll pursue together.
Someday, your story will appear here!

Melvin Chan Melvin Chan

Knowledge Building @ Teck Whye: Reflections from the organisers

Organisers: Melvin Chan & Ellie Soh

"Putting our knowledge together - Even though we are the organisers of the school visit, it has enriched our learning too in several areas. Firstly, it is very heartening to see so many educators from all over the world interested in the pedagogy that we were using. It is like we were all speaking a common language despite our cultural differences.

Building on the point on cultural differences, it is interesting to hear the point of views, questions and concerns of different countries and their education systems. The entire session was like a Knowledge Building session where we posed questions, answered each other's questions and even added on to each other's answers. It was a very interesting way how the dialogue session unfolded, something very unique that we think Knowledge Building practitioners share.

During the session, practitioners from all over the world had a conversation with four of our students. Through this dialogue it is evident that students have managed to internalise the Knowledge Building cultures set in our different classrooms and thus developed into future-ready learners.

In addition, through this platform, we have also seen the possibility of cross-cultural collaborations on Knowledge Forum, which will further enhance our students’ global awareness and understanding of different cultures. This interconnectedness has the potential to widen our students’ perspectives towards real world issues.”

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Practice Raynard Heah Practice Raynard Heah

KBC NL: What Kind of Community?

What kind of community is the KB NLC? It is a community marked by its openness where every member is encouraged to express and contribute their ideas no matter how incomplete or insignificant it may seem. Every member has a responsibility towards the progress of the community and is idea-centred.

What kind of community is the KBC Network Learning (KBCNL)?

It is a community marked by its openness where every member is encouraged to express and contribute their ideas no matter how incomplete or insignificant it may seem. Every member has a responsibility towards the progress of the community.

This KB blog is a platform for the community to share knowledge - experience, insights, wisdom. A kind of learning journal for the community. What kind of community is the KBC NL? Essentially, a community is defined by its beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviours. It's an apt question worth our consideration in this inaugural post. 

A community learns when its individual members share knowledge and insight and make meaning together. Many are willing to share experience, knowledge and insights. A community thrives when many are open to share advances and progress as well as  mistakes and failures that may need further improvement. A community matures in such openness and appreciation for continual improvement.

To be an encouraging community requires us to approach one another with humility. It means taking the stance of a learner. Humility is recognizing that everyone is worthwhile and thus has something worthwhile to share. No one is an expert in everything. Our position changes, from judging afar to learning alongside.

Finally, this is an idea-centred community. Teachers bring ideas they value, work on problems they care about. It's about seeking for alternative ideas, even opposing ones for consideration. It means every teacher consciously asks what is the idea that we are exploring, developing and understanding.

Like all ideas, we expect our understanding about this community to develop and mature. We hope to see members like you posting your ideas about this community in this blog. A sure sign of progress and maturity in our community.

KBC NL is not a production line nor is it a social club. More than skills and knowledge, it's about cultivating values, attitudes and behaviours. It's about developing the teacher, a person. 

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